By Ivan Ardila
For more information about Ivan Ardila, visit,,,, and
Translated into English by United Latino Muslims of America (ULMA). For more information about United Latino Muslims of America (ULMA), visit
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Hector Macho Camacho, Jr., a Muslim, at the memorial service of his father.
In the name of God, Most Gracious with the creation, Merciful to the believers.
"Then he gave each one a white robe and told to wait a little longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they were." Revelation 6, Verse 11.
Hector Macho Camacho, Jr. with his father.
In two areas man is measured as the same in the fight with another man or an animal: boxing and bullfighting. For other paths only abused congeners and beasts from technological superiority, numerical or military. We can say that the honor is still held there, in those disciplines, for an obvious reason: the bull slaughter can beat the bullfighter, the opponent can knock the boxer and in any case the contestant runs the risk of dying or becoming crippled. Or to take the trophy, the ear, the tail, the fantastic belt, the media glory, the slow drag.
Muhammad Ali
In addition the permanent disease, as the brother Muhammad Ali, who has never lost the gentle demeanor, but boxing has cost his nerves with Parkinson that still has not left him, but we hope to be cured by the neurogenerative powers of legal cannabinoid medicine that is applied in both the U.S. and Mexico, which can be supplemented with oils and restorative amino acids from the same blessed plant with Hemp brand, which is available equally from White Americans in Mexico and in Aztec land.
Hector Macho Camacho was a father of a Muslim.
Another boxer who did not run have the same luck as Ali, a boxing survivor and of xenophobic and Islamophobic society, and that also has to do with Islam (remember that Ali, soon crowned in Cancun as King of Boxing, is Muslim) is the Macho Camacho. He was just disconnected from the machine that maintained him in a vegetative state after being shot in the company of a childhood friend who died first. His relationship with the final and ultimate revelation of God is not him being Muslim (we ignore this for now), but his son who converted to Islam, and we pick this out of the news because we think like Muhammad Ali before him, he was attacked at his glorious moment for, not only being Muslim, not only black, it is now possible that they have retaliated against him to the extreme of assassinating him, since his son has adopted the universal and eternal religion of God. These words are are not to be taken lightly, for in principle one should not rule out any hypotheses about the motive of the killers. In fact we wonder if prior to his death and thanks to the work of its offspring, he may have known of Islam and to recognize the cult that became his son.
Edoardo Agnelli was the only son of Fiat car company owner.
If this line of research will continue and will prove successful, it would not be the first time that someone is martyred for his direct or indirect relationship with God, being a public figure. We recall the case of the only son of the owner of the car company Fiat, Edoardo Agnelli, heir to secure the vast fortune from his father, and that prior to obtaining their heritage and hours from the chamber of the pure Islam, Iran, was artfully killed by an armed commando Mossad crime scene so that resembled to a licensed observer a poorly realized, case of suicide. Suicide? A Muslim convert? God forbids and condemns suicide with very severe punishment. Clearly, it was one more than the targeted killing by gunmen in the pay of the synagogue of Satan, as they imagined how much help a convert to Islam heir to one of the leading elite automotive companies could provide.
We extend our condolences to the family of this exemplary sportsman and also to the relatives of Edoardo, not forgetting Islamic communities surrounding these events left silent, sadly testifying to human evil.
Sean Ali Stone is the son of filmmaker Oliver Stone.
We note however that the lucky advancement of loftiest virtues and sapience as being unstoppable, as evidenced by outstanding personalities of the world turning their hearts toward God through the clear lens of Shi'ite Islam, and to show so it is sufficient to name a dear brother, Ali Stone, son of filmmaker Oliver Stone, who has no qualms about publicly displaying his spiritual descent for those who want to know firsthand what was the process that led to the birthplace of Islam and how he lives his new human identity.
It seems that while sharing the artists, writers, athletes, scientists and others involved in public relations in fields of human endeavor begin their autobiographies and culminate some weight in their respective areas, those who are converts to Islam do not expect that it is late to start a public witness of our transformation, as will be seen in the video that Stone has left the network. Such is the wealth we receive by converting, in an effort of generous urgency, we wish to give our treasures by means that we have at hand: word, poetry, image, video, a foundation, a business that God sends (halal), etc.
Hector Macho Camacho is rushed by paramedics.
Maybe that's why Edoardo came early to Paradise, perhaps he was not allowed to put on the gloves of Macho: he already had enough with the strings of humiliations that Muhammad Ali had dealt them when those opponents who refused to call him by his Muslim name, supplying them his swift, strategic, powerful and vengeful punches: "Call me Muhammad Ali! " still resonates in the ring. And always know that Macho was Macho until the end, and those who killed him were queers. May God execute them.
Hector Macho Camacho, Jr. is the eldest son for former world boxing champion.
The Toughness of the Macho Camacho:
The boxing champion's son Hector Macho Camacho, Jr. is mobbed by reporters.
Edoardo Agnelli, multimillionaire martyr:
Conference, Sean 'Ali' Stone, Oliver Stone's son converted to Islam - [HD]: